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--> prime readingは現代日本を象徴している/Reading the New Testament in the ChurchA Primer for Pastors, Religious Educators, and Believers【電子書籍】[ Francis J. SDB Moloney ]

prime readingは現代日本を象徴している

TOP > Reading the New Testament in the ChurchA Primer for Pastors, Religious Educators, and Believers【電子書籍】[ Francis J. SDB Moloney ]

Reading the New Testament in the ChurchA Primer for Pastors, Religious Educators, and Believers【電子書籍】[ Francis J. SDB Moloney ]

<p>Internationally respected scholar Francis Moloney offers a Catholic introduction to the New Testament that shows how to read it both faithfully and critically. The opening chapter and an epilogue directly address the theological requirements of, and historical challenges for, ecclesial reading. The remaining chapters give exemplary readings of the figure of Jesus and of the various divisions of the New Testament canon. Conceived as a resource for religious educators, deacons, and other ministers in the Catholic Church, this book will serve Catholics and others as an ideal supplement to a conventional New Testament introduction or as a companion to reading the New Testament itself.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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