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--> prime readingは現代日本を象徴している/What Is Stephen Harper Reading?Yann Martel's Recommended Reading for a Prime Minister and Book Lovers of All Stripes【電子書籍】[ Yann Martel ]

prime readingは現代日本を象徴している

TOP > What Is Stephen Harper Reading?Yann Martel's Recommended Reading for a Prime Minister and Book Lovers of All Stripes【電子書籍】[ Yann Martel ]

What Is Stephen Harper Reading?Yann Martel's Recommended Reading for a Prime Minister and Book Lovers of All Stripes【電子書籍】[ Yann Martel ]

<p>“I know you’re very busy, Mr. Harper. We’re all busy. But every person has a space next to where they sleep, whether a patch of pavement or a fine bedside table. In that space, at night, a book can glow. And in those moments of docile wakefulness, when we begin to let go of the day, then is the perfect time to pick up a book and be someone else, somewhere else, for a few minutes, a few pages, before we fall asleep.”</p> <p>From the author of <strong>Life of Pi</strong> comes a literary correspondence ー recommendations to Canada’s Prime Minister of great short books that will inspire and delight book lovers and book club readers across our nation.</p> <p>Every two weeks since April 16th, 2007, Yann Martel has mailed Stephen Harper a book along with a letter. These insightful, provocative letters detailing what he hopes the Prime Minister may take from the books ー by such writers as Jane Austen, Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Stephen Galloway ー are collected here together. The one-sided correspondence (Mr. Harper’s office has only replied once) becomes a meditation on reading and writing and the necessity to allow ourselves to expand stillness in our lives, even if we’re not head of government.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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