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The Amazon Fire PhoneMaster your Amazon smartphone including Firefly, Mayday, Prime, and all the top apps【電子書籍】[ Scott McNulty ]

The Amazon Fire PhoneMaster your Amazon smartphone including Firefly, Mayday, Prime, and all the top apps【電子書籍】[ Scott McNulty ] The Amazon Fire PhoneMaster your Amazon smartphone including Firefly, Mayday, Prime, and all the top apps【電子書籍】[ Scott McNulty ] The Amazon Fire PhoneMaster your Amazon smartphone including Firefly, Mayday, Prime, and all the top apps【電子書籍】[ Scott McNulty ]

This affordable and engaging guide is packed with practical information to help you get the most from your new Amazon Fire smartphone. Amazon and device expert Scott McNulty offers plenty of tips and pointers for using Amazon's new smartphone, including how to capture and store photos, watch videos, listen to music, read books, and get the most from Amazon Prime. With this essential companion, you'll learn how to use your Fire phone to take full advantage of Amazon's rich ecosystem of songs, apps, games, movies, TV shows, books, and more. Scott shows you how to<br> <br> <ul> <li>Set up and start using your Fire phone right away</li> <li>Use motions, tilts, and gestures to immersively navigate through websites and maps, play games, page through books, and more</li> <li>Employ Firefly to identify everyday objects around youーincluding books, paintings, songs, videos, QR codes, signs, and products</li> <li>Manage apps, both on your phone and in the cloud</li> <li>Take advantage of the wealth of Amazon Prime services, including streaming videos and music</li> <li>Store your books, movies, and more the Amazon Cloud Drive</li> <li>Call Mayday for live technical help</li> <li>Manage your calendar, send and receive email and messages, and or course make calls!</li> </ul> <br>Packed with full-color images and step-by-step instructions, this invaluable guide will quickly help you tap the power of your Fire phone!<br> <br>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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